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Wednesday 22 April 2015

Cuti Midsem yang Mencabar !

Assalamualaikum . 

Cuti midsem kali ni memang mencabar !

Adik i ACCIDENT !!!

Dugaan apa pulak kali ni . Allah Maha Mengetahui .

In life , we often have to walk the path of thorns to find a rose.
always keep your eyes open.

Adik , Semoga hang cepat sihat !18/4/2015

Tiap-tiap hari melawat adik dekat hospital.
Selfie dulu .

Every challenge you've faced has made you what you are today. They made us stronger .
thank Almighty for those hard times.

Corat-coret: Mohon doa dari semua.
See all of you in my next post. *Hugs*

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